XII. Space-time swirls and deformations
Let us check in our model the accelerated motion and gravitation.
First, we have to get back for a while to the model of a two-dimensional flat space-time. When a person is drifted away from us in uniform linear motion, the track of such motion in space-time is a straight line tilted under the angle depending on the speed of such drifting. When his/her motion is accelerated, the line will become curved.
In our model with complex time it will be similar, the direction of the local time in space-time will change during the entire acceleration time.
Now let us examine what effect on our model has the additional condition that gravitation and accelerated motion are to be equivalent. It is a postulate Einstein called the equivalence principle and gave it the status of the fundamental law of physics.
In view of the fact that gravitation works all the time it has to induce all the time the change of the direction of the local time in space-time.
If we add another postulate (according to the theory of relativity and experience), the presence mass results in time slow-down, and in our case also slow-down of the cosmic time. In this way we will obtain a swirling hole in the space-time.
We can reverse our reasoning and state that the swirl in space-time causes gravitation. When we think about it for a while we understand that a particle can be identified with such swirl in space-time and we do not need to worry about it.
When we identify elementary particles as swirls in space-time then we will understand the origins of the uncertainty principle and the fact why the particle can have wave properties. There is nothing extraordinary about the fact that matter can be transformed into energy. An antiparticle in our model is a swirl rotating in a different direction. When the two swirls rotating in a different direction meet, they disappear and go as a wave in space-time. Other facts, previously incomprehensible, can be also explained. For example, quantum entanglement of particles can be pictured as swirls connected by their tops (their narrower parts).
We can go further and also replace all forces with deformations in space-time. In the general theory of relativity, gravitation had been already explained in such manner. But there the gravitation was distinguished from other forces. We assume that gravitation differs from other forces only by the fact that it is the deformation in space-time in the direction of the cosmic time, which goes only in one direction. Taking into consideration the above, there is nothing like anti-gravitation.
Let us get back for a while to the issue of dark matter. A large number of phenomena leading to the concept of dark matter such as fast rotation of galaxies or higher than expected gravitational lensing, can be easily explained when clarifying in our imagination the concept of the observable Universe. When the light path, which is curved in space-time, we believe to be linear, we stretch out distant areas in our imagination and as a consequence, in our computations the amount of matter is insufficient.
It is not the way, however, how the galaxy rotation curve can be explained, that is, the orbital speed of stars is lower than expected at a short distance from the centre of the galaxy. In a flat space it is difficult to find out other solution than the one with the dark matter but in our model the galaxy creates a hole in space-time, and in its centre time flows slower and also, the orbital speed of stars in the galactic centre must be lower.
According to our model the entire universe is only a spinning and wavy space-time…